If you are looking for a sitar drawing tutorial then you have come to the right place. In this tutorial, I will teach you sitar drawing very easily. How to draw a sitar easily Step by Step This tutorial I made for everyone. So trying to make it as simple as possible.
If you don’t know what Sitar is, I will briefly introduce you to Sitar. It is a traditional Indian musical instrument.
Step 1:

First we’ll draw a circle. Draw the size of the circle depending on your drawing.
Step 2:

In this step, we draw an inclined line in the center of the circle. Then we draw a rectangle similar to drawing an image. This rectangle size depends on your sitar drawing size.
Step 3:

Now we will draw the design of the lower part of the sitar. You just follow my drawing and try to match the figure. You can follow any real sitar to understand the outline of the sitar.
Step 4:

Draw a box shape on the center line of the sitar. Then draw two 3D rectangles at the end of the sitar.
Step 5:

Now you need to draw the design on the last part of the sitar. Then draw the shape of a sphere at the bottom of the large rectangle.
Step 6:

In this step, we draw the rest of the part on the large rectangle.
Step 7:

This is the last step in drawing our sitar. Right now we are drawing the sitar wire.
All steps in one image