Do you want to learn door drawing? Then you have come to the right place. Here you can learn the easiest way to draw a closed and an open door. I promise if you are a new student. Then with the help of this drawing tutorial, you will learn how to draw a door very easily.
Because this tutorial has highlighted many easy steps. I think you easily learn door drawing through this article.
This tutorial will teach you two types of door drawings. The first is the round door and the second is the ordinary door. Drawings of these two doors, both open and closed, will be shown.
Here you can be known out all the information about door drawing through some easy steps. So, my new artist, it’s the best place for learning door drawing.
Materials Requirements of Door Drawing :
To do this drawing we will need some drawing materials. Let’s take a look at what materials we used to this drawing. The materials chart is given below. You look at the list and collect all the things. This drawing material will help you to draw the door.
How to draw a round Closed-door :
In this section, we draw a Morden wooden round type door. Nowadays many modern homes use this type of door. First, we will be drawn a closed round door than draw an open door.
Step 1:
First, we draw a vertical rectangle. Then draw an oval circular line base on the upper two-point of the rectangle. Draw another rectangle in the first rectangle. Next, draw an oval line on the upper side of this rectangle.

Step 2:
Erase all unnecessary lines similar to my image.

Step 3:
Now we need to draw one oval shape and a rectangle with a round corner. Then we draw the middle part rectangle. Last part we have drawn a rectangle with a round conner and draw three vertical rectangles in this rectangle.

Step 4:
We erase all un needs line and draw a horizontal straight line. now we will draw a small circle. then we draw another big circle interesting first circle. now draw a small in middle parts of the door for our door handle.

Step 5:
Now time to coloring for our door. chosen your favorite color for your door. You can follow our colors.

Quick Steps :

How to draw a Closed ordinary door :
Hey, guys in this section we draw an ordinary closed door. It’s a very simple drawing. we just need five easy to completed our drawing. So let’s go into our drawing.
Step 1:
In this step we draw a vertical rectangle. You can scale for his rectangle drawing.

Step 2:
Step two draws a second rectangle in the first rectangle.

Step 3:
Now we will draw around the conner rectangle upper portion of the door. then we draw a small size rectangle and a big rectangle lower part of the door. We draw three vertical small rectangles in the lower big rectangle. Now we draw a circle in the middle rectangle. Then we draw a big rectangle intersect the first circle.

Step 4:
First, we chose a color for the door frame. Then applied this on the frame. Next, choose a color for the door body.

Step 5:
Rest of parts we colour all the door. You can choose as you like your door colour.

Quick Steps :

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Conclusions :
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