Do you want to learn how to draw a telescope? Drawwiki this post solved your telescope drawing problem within a few steps. My name is suban kundu . I am writing this post for my all-new artist. In this telescope drawing, I am dividing eight simple steps.
It is a beginner-friendly drawing tutorial. I think after following all these steps you can draw a telescope within ten minutes.
My, all artists need some drawing materials. Which materials I am using in this drawing I am providing a list. you can use this material.
Hey, all of you please comments us know. Which materials you’re using for this drawing and also shear with us your favorite drawing tools.
Telescopes mainly have six different types. In one post cover all telescopes drawing guides. It’s can’t possibly. So I am decided to show an easy small size Optical telescope drawing tutorial. Let go into the steps.
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Step By Step Telescope Drawing Guide
Step 1:
In the first step, we draw a big lens part of the telescope. Draw a trapezoid shape. Then draw a small end with two circular lines. Now we draw a circular shape part on the big end of the trapezoid. You can follow my example. Please consider all drawing line very lightly, because some lines are removed later.

Step 2:

Step 3:

Step 4:

Step 5:

Step 6:

Step 7:

Step 8:

Quick All Step in one image

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