In this tutorial, I have now taught you to draw butterflies in 16 easy steps. I assume you are a newbie so I made this tutorial as easy as possible. If are follow my all steps you will be able to draw a beautiful butterfly.
We need :
So let’s collect drawing materials or tools. I give a list of drawing tools you can use them.
- Paper or sketchbook
- 2B or HB Pencil
- Eraser
- pencil sharpener

Step by Step butterfly drawing
For your convenience, this drawing guide we shown in 16 steps. In every step, we draw a small part of the butterfly for you better understand.
Step: 1
In the first step, we start by drawing the thorax of the butterfly. Just draw similar to my image below.

Step: 2
Now we draw the head shape of a butterfly. Draw a circular type shape and follow my drawing. Try to draw something similar to me.

Step: 3
Now we draw the abdomen. Draw a shape similar to my drawing.

Step: 4
Draw four-line for butterfly wings. All lines draw one by one. You can change some style as you want.

Step: 5
joint cure shape line to the first wing to the second wing. Then draw the second wing outer line follow by my drawing.

Step: 6
In step six we draw 3rd wing outer line. First, draw a small straight line then draw four curve lines, and the end part draws a straight line and joint to the fourth line.

Step: 7
Draw tow line from the head for antenna of butterfly.

Step: 8
The end of the antenna draws some thick parts.

Step: 9
Draw all lines in the wing of the butterfly as similar to my drawing.

Step: 10
Now we draw a second cross line for our butterfly wing design.

Step: 11
The first and second wings need to draw some circles on the wings. Then you have to draw the circle again inside that circle. Drawing the design of the lower part of the first and second wings

Step: 12
Now we drawing the eye of the butterfly. Draw a circle on the head then fill up the circle with a pencil leave some part of the circle.

Step: 13
Now fill up linear the circle and some parts with a pencil. You can follow my drawing which parts need to fill up.

Step: 14
Drawing cross line on the thorax.

Step: 15
Now drawing some shade lines on the abdomen of the butterfly.

Step: 16
Drawing two-leg in the joint of abdomen and thorax part.
